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    Learn German with Youtube!! How to learn German fast and efficient? Small Tips for You!!

    by 아지니어 (아빠 + 엔지니어) 2020. 5. 23.

    Learn German with Youtube very efficietnly!




    Do you want to learn German? As you may know, German is one of the most difficult language in the world.

    More complex and more exception rather than other languages. 

    Even I am living here in Germany since 15 years, to be honest, I have still serveral issues whenever having a communication with native speakers (I am quite sure that the dialect will drive you crazy ^.^).


    So, in this post, I would like to introuce you few video clips which might be helpful for you to learn german and makes you not to give up and brings you to the end of your target.

    Those video clips are available in the YouTube so you are able to get an access to them whenever you want.  


    1. Learn German with Youtube
    : Nicos Weg
    The first one is 'Nicos Weg' which means 'the Nicos way' in English.

    The 'Nicos Weg' is about the story of one guy in Germany who came from Spain and this is super easy and perfect for you if you just started to learn German.

    Especially, this provides the video clips with different level of German from A1 to B1.

    That encourage you to learn German more and more as they use exactly the vocabulary on your book or what you learned yesterday.

    Once again, this is super easy and exciting to see and highly recommend you if you just started to learn German.



    Learn German with Youtube (source: Youtube)



    2. Learn German with Youtube
    : Leran German with Jenny
    The next one is 'Learn German with Jenny'. It seems that now channel name has been changed to 'Lingoni German'. But, anyhow I would say this is very very helpful to learn German step by step especially for grammar. 

    As you may know, the grammar for German is so diffcult and complex so many people give up to master it.

    But, if you want to speak German officially, you had better spend more time to correctly catch it.

    This video clips will help you more and more to learn the grammar efficiently.

    And Jenny can speak English very fluently and she made initial videos in English as well, you might feel comfortable to learn it for yourself at your home (later on, she uses only German for upcoming videos).

    But, please aware that she speaks German very clearly and slowly which could be considered 'not realistic'.

    So, please do not be  disappointed eventhough you are not able to understand anything in the street in German after learning German with these videos.

    This is what I could expect and very nature. definitely you need 'Time' to get used it..



    Learn German with Youtube (source: Youtube)



    3. Learn German with Youtube
    : Strum der Liebe
    The third one in my list is 'Sturm der Liebe'

    This is a kinds of long term drama in German and I would say this is super exciting and you might do not recognize how much time you spent to look at them.

    Th is very useful, IMHO, as they use diverse vocabularies and sentences which are being used as well in the real world. But could be difficult for beginners for sure.

    I do highly recommend those videos for the people who has already B1 level.


    4. Learn German with Youtube
    : Easy German
    The next one is 'Easy German'.

    One couple is making an interview with citizens in Germany and freely talks about sereveal issues in German. So this is highly recommened if you want to have a sort of indirect experience how the real German speaks in which way.

    In addition to that, as those videos are categorized by language level (A1, A2, B1, C1 etc) this could perfectly fit your expectation.




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    5. Learn German with Youtube
    : Mr. Wissen2go
    The last one in my list is 'Mr. Wissen2go.

    Those videos are produced by one YouTuber in Germany and he speaks about his thoughts about the general phenomena or specific topis in the world or society with a high level of vocabulary and accurante pronounciation.

    That's why I do highly recommend it for you. But as you may guess, this is not suitable for beginners. 




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